Sample Website and Live Website

Unless you’re a small business owner who is not interested in growing your brand, you need to have a website. When we are offering a free website, not just template, customization too, there’s really no excuse to keep putting it off.

These days building a business website is easier than ever: it doesn’t cost much money, you don’t have to know how to code or design, and it’s one of the best means of free advertising. Having a small business website isn’t just about selling your goods and services — it’s also about providing something of value to potential customers.

Our mission is to get you online and to make your online journey faster and simple, we have posted a few templates below, we will be adding more templates in future. Please do not remove the credits mentioned in the footer, our partners have worked hard to get you these free templates.

We will be helping you with minimal customization listed below

Logo Replacement
Adding Contents
Adding Images
Service Details
Contact Details
Location Map
Team Pictures
Social Connections
Resume Upload
Skills Updates
Portfolio Adding
Video Linking

The free website could be used by job seekers, artisits, managers and all other professionals

Frequently Asked Questions

1Why is it Free?
As we said, we wanted the small business, job seekers, professionals a fair chance in the internet eco-space. The main reason they all don't have the website is due to the cost. We want to help them with this free.
2Is it similar to WIX and Weebly?
No, in those free website, you will have to do all the designing, we are different, our mission is to help the individuals and corporates to have a web presence, it's not for profit project from Ci CORP FZE
3What if we need more templates to choose?
Our support team will work closely with you to and show you other resources available online. We will be uploading more themes and designs as and when our partners release them.
4Can I have my own design as free website?
No, the free website is a gift from us, you can't be demanding on the kind of gift. It's a freebie from us. We can help you customize more but there will be an additional cost.
5Can I remove the credit to template designer?
Yes, if you contact the template designer and buy the credit removal license. These licenses are just 5 USD to 20 USD one time.
6Can I have my own design and not use the template?
You can, you are totally free to design your own things. The hosting will never restrict you to unleash your creativity. The hosting is very powerful to handle any kind of website, web applications and scripts

Dubai's business has updated websites


people check company website before doing business with them

Useful questions and answers